Our digital platforms offer several ways for area artists and venues to promote their endeavors including (note, you must register as a user for some of these features - registration is free):
EVENT CALENDAR – Click "Submit Event” under the calendar icon or login and choose "My Dashboard”. Events on the calendar appear on both bgamplifier.com & bgdailynews.com main websites as well as mobile sites for both publications and are sent out via email in our Headline & Events mailing lists (weekly by The Amplifier & daily by the Daily News).
YOUR NEWS - "Your News” is a special section where any user can contribute articles, photos or Youtube videos to bgamplifier.com. Simply log in and go to "My Dashboard” in the upper right hand corner then choose "Add Article”, "Add Photo” or "Add Youtube” under "Contributed News”. Your entry will post in the "Your News” section as well as in the relevant section you select (arts, music, recreation etc). Your post will also be included in our weekly headline & events e-newsletter and streamed to our Facebook and Twitter pages.
MEDIA RELEASES – Media releases are regularly posted to our article sections. Send them to kmason@bgdailynews.com for consideration. (Article: Writing a media release - http://www.bgamplifier.com/opportunities/sellout/sell-out-writing-a-media-release/article_3cc48fe6-6999-11e3-a4d5-001a4bcf887a.html )
ARTIST DIRECTORY – The "Artists” link in the top right hand corner of bgamplifier.com leads to a directory of area musi
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